India’s gaming industry has seen a tremendous rise in female gamers who are not only breaking stereotypes but also building massive fan followings. Among them, five standout women—Payal Dhare, Kaashvi Hiranandani, Saloni Kandalgaonkar, Shakshi Shetty, and Krutika Ojha—have carved their own space in the gaming world. Here’s a closer look at their journey, social media presence, and the impact they’ve made.
Payal Dhare (Payal Gaming)
Payal Dhare, popularly known as ‘Payal Gaming,’ has become a prominent figure in the Indian gaming community. Her versatile content spans games like BGMI, PUBG Mobile, and GTA, attracting a substantial following. Payal has approximately 4.2 Million subscribers on YouTube and around 3.7 million followers on Instagram.
- Instagram: @payalgamingg
- YouTube: Payal Gaming
Kaashvi Hiranandani (Kaash Plays)
Kaashvi Hiranandani, known online as ‘Kaash Plays,’ has garnered attention with her engaging BGMI streams and gameplay videos. Her charismatic presence and gaming skills have earned her a dedicated fan base. Kaashvi has over 1.6M subscribers on YouTube and more than 1.8M followers on Instagram.
- Instagram: @kaaashvi
- YouTube: Kaash Plays
Saloni Kandalgaonkar (Mili Kya Mili)
Saloni Kandalgaonkar, or ‘Mili Kya Mili,’ is a renowned Indian YouTuber and gamer. She gained initial recognition through BGMI live streams and has become a sensation in the GTA role-play community, particularly within the VLT RP Server. Mili has over 321k YouTube subscribers and 209k Instagram followers.
- Instagram: @mili_kya_mili
- YouTube: Mili Kya Mili
Shakshi Shetty (Sharkshe)
Shakshi Shetty, known in the gaming world as ‘Sharkshe,’ has made a significant impact with her engaging content and interactive streams. Her dedication to gaming and consistent content creation have earned her a loyal following on Instagram with 245k Followers and Youtube with 453k Subscribers.
- Instagram: @sharkshe_
- YouTube: Sharkshe
Krutika Ojha (Krutika Plays)
Krutika Ojha, or ‘Krutika Plays,’ has established herself as a prominent gamer with her engaging streams and relatable content. Her unique approach to gaming and interaction with her audience have contributed to her growing popularity on Instagram with 392k Followers and Youtube with 863k Subscribers.
- Instagram: @ig.krutika
- YouTube: Krutika Plays
These five women exemplify the dynamic presence of female gamers in India, each contributing uniquely to the gaming community. Their dedication and passion continue to inspire many aspiring gamers across the country.